Kids | Youth | Adults | Calendar | Quotes | Heroes | Stories | The EMILY Fund | Scholarships
DO ONE THING and BetterWorld Kids Clubs are projects of The EMILY Fund (The Emily Silverstein Fund, Inc.)

281 Days Until
One Day In Peace
January 1

"A day of peace and sharing can lead to greater understanding and cooperation among political parties, faith groups, and people of different races and economic classes. "
~ John Conyers

New Year's is the perfect opportunity for those of us who wish for peace on earth to make a resolution to try to do our best to work to create a better world during the coming year. It's also the perfect occasion to hold an event that will spread hope for our shared wish of a more peaceful, just and sustainable world. People will be celebrating anyway, and making resolutions about things they want to change about themselves in the coming year. Why not make it celebration with a purpose, and share a resolution that will help unite our local, national and global communities!

This is the very idea behind two January 1 events - One Day In Peace and Global Family Day. A global campaign for One Day In Peace on January 1, 2000 helped inspire a UN Resolution and a joint United States Congressional Resolution, inviting January 1 to be celebrated every year as a day of peace and sharing. If we can live for one day in peace, then we can work together to make peace last, one day at a time.

The day has also come to be known as Global Family Day - a day for peace and sharing. Communities around the world come together for a shared meal on January 1 and talk about how they can help to create a better world. What can you do to help create humanity's first day of peace, ever?


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DO ONE THING for a Better World

1. Do something for a culture of peace each day.

2. Plan an event for peace and sharing on New Year's and make a Peace Resolution.

3. Support organizations working for a culture of peace.


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POSTERS for a Better World
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One Day in Peace

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no celebrtiy endorsement implied

One Day in Peace, January 1

Mahnaz Afkhami

Kofi Annan

Oscar Arias

Edward Asner

Benazir Bhutto


Blase Bonpane

Jackie Chan

Anwarul Chowdhury

John Conyers

Norman Cousins

Sheryl Crow

The Dalai Lama

Steve Diamond

Bob Dylan

Albert Einstein

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Scilla Elworthy

Benjamin Franklin

Arun Gandhi

Mohandas Gandhi

Dag Hammarskjold

Jimi Hendrix

Jesse Jackson

Helen Keller

John F. Kennedy

Irene Khan

Coretta Scott King

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Lenny Kravitz

Dennis Kucinich

Jessica Lange

Avril Lavigne

Jude Law

John Lennon

Abraham Lincoln

Hilda Lini

Chief Oren Lyons

Graca Machel-Mandela

Margaret Mead

Rigoberta Menchu

Jill Jackson Miller

Maria Montessori

A. J. Muste

Thich Nhat Hanh

Peace Pilgrim

Natalie Portman

Robert Redford

Eleanor Roosevelt

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Arundhati Roy

Carlos Santana

Albert Schweitzer

Pauline Tangiora

Mother Teresa

Peter Ustinov

Cora Weiss

Elie Wiesel

Betty Williams

Stevie Wonder

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Do One Thing Calendar

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with all 60 + reproducible calendar pages
for $7.95
(a portion of the proceeds benefits
The EMILY Fund)



* Win a scholarship - create a 30sec-1min YouTube video inviting others to DO ONE THING ...

Kids | Youth | Adults | Calendar | Quotes | Heroes | Stories | The EMILY Fund | Scholarships
DO ONE THING and BetterWorld Kids Clubs are projects of The EMILY Fund (The Emily Silverstein Fund, Inc.)
Hero portraits are included for illustration purposes only - no celebrity endorsement implied

The Emily Fund
Education, Mentorship, Inspiration, Leadership, Youth
- for a Better

PO Box 430
Roosevelt, NJ 08555-0430