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in the universe, and keen curiosity about it all
- that has been my religion.
John Burroughs
order for humanity to survive in the twenty-first
century and beyond, we must nurture rather than
repress children’s natural curiosity. We must
encourage them to be curious, instead of fearful,
toward other cultures.
-- Paul K. Chappell
right tools for solving disputes within our community
are precision instruments such as reason, communication,
empathy, curiosity, and understanding. They are
also the right tools for building a global civilization
of peace and prosperity.
-- Paul K. Chappell
is a scientist after all? It is a curious man
looking through a keyhole, the keyhole of nature,
trying to know what's going on.
-- Jacques Cousteau
we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder,
spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals
the human spirit.
-- e. e. cummings“
less curious about people and more curious about ideas.”
-- Marie Curie
important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity
has its own reason for existing. One cannot help
but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries
of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure
of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to
comprehend a little of this mystery every day.
Never lose a holy curiosity.” -- Albert
is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education.
-- Albert Einstein
teacher is a compass that activates the magnets of curiosity,
knowledge, and wisdom in the pupils.
-- Eve Garrison
curiosity, I think, is a really important aspect of
staying young or youthful.
-- Goldie Hawn
is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying
with a purpose.
-- Zora Neale
are remarkable for their intelligence and ardor,
for their curiosity, their intolerance of shams,
the clarity and ruthlessness of their vision.
~ Aldous Huxley
have a certain curiosity for life that drives me and
propels me forward.
-- Rachel McAdams
is compassion not part of our established curriculum,
an inherent part of our education? Compassion,
awe, wonder, curiosity, exaltation, humility -
these are the very foundation of any real civilisation,
no longer the prerogatives, the preserves of any
one church, but belonging to everyone, every child
in every school."
-- Yehudi Menuhin
my mind, the purpose of education is to enable
human beings to develop to their full potential,
intellectually and spiritually. That means that
students have to be empowered to pursue self-knowledge
and the skills that will help them be of service
to their fellow human beings. Education should
encourage people to develop their curiosity about
life; above all, it should not trivialize either
the students or their lives.
-- Michael Nagler
of one's curiosity is one of the greatest sources
of happiness in life.
-- Linus Pauling
Life must be lived and curiosity kept alive.
One must never, for whatever reason, turn his
back on life.
-- Eleanor
think, at a child's birth, if a mother could
ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most
useful gift, that gift should be curiosity.
-- Eleanor

Disinterested intellectual curiosity is the life
blood of real civilization.
~ George Trevelyan
is the wick in the candle of learning.
Arthur Ward