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Let us be good stewards of the Earth we inherited.
All of us have to share the Earth's fragile ecosystems
and precious resources, and each of us has a role
to play in preserving them. If we are to go on
living together on this earth, we must all be
responsible for it.
~ Kofi Annan
piecemeal solution is going to prevent the collapse
of whole societies and ecosystems ... a radical
re-thinking of our values, priorities and political
systems is urgent.
-- Maude Barlow
destruction of aquatic ecosystem health, and the
increasing water scarcity, are in my opinion the
most pressing environmental problems facing human
-- Maude Barlow
one [of the Earth's 5 million invertebrate species]
plays a role in its ecosystem. It's like we're tearing
the cogs out of a great machine. The machine might
work after you tear out ten cogs, but what happens
when you tear out a hundred?"
— Scott Black |
you cannot tackle hunger, disease, and poverty
unless you can also provide people with a healthy
ecosystem in which their economies can grow.
-- Gro Harlem
diverse ecosystem will also be resilient, because
it contains many species with overlapping ecological
functions that can partially replace one another.
When a particular species is destroyed by a severe
disturbance so that a link in the network is broken,
a diverse community will be able to survive and
reorganize itself... In other words, the more
complex the network is, the more complex its pattern
of interconnections, the more resilient it will
-- Fritjof Capra
great ecosystems are like complex tapestries - a
million complicated threads, interwoven, make up
the whole picture. Nature can cope with small rents
in the fabric; it can even, after a time, cope with
major disasters like floods, fires, and earthquakes.
What nature cannot cope with is the steady undermining
of its fabric by the activities of man."
~ Gerald Durrell |
We are all together in this, we are all together
in this single living ecosystem called planet
earth. As we learn how we fit into the greater
scheme of things, and begin to understand how
the system works, we can plan ahead, we can use
the resources responsibly, to show some respect
for this inheritance that goes back 4.6 billion
~ Sylvia Earle
We are all together in this, we are all together
in this single living ecosystem called planet
~ Sylvia Earle
consider species to be like a brick in the foundation
of a building. You can probably lose one or two
or a dozen bricks and still have a standing house.
But by the time you've lost 20 per cent of species,
you're going to destabilize the entire structure.
That's the way ecosystems work."
- Donald Falk
agriculture we seek will act like an ecosystem,
feature material recycling and run on the contemporary
sunlight of our star."
-- Wes Jackson |

achieve true sustainability, we must reduce our
'garbage index" - that which we permanently throw
away into the environment that will not be naturally
recycled for reuse - to near zero. Productive
activities must be organized as closed systems.
Minerals and other nonbiodegradable resources,
once taken from the ground, must become a part
of society's permanent capital stock and be recycled
in perpetuity. Organic materials may be disposed
into the natural ecosystems, but only in ways
that assure that they are absorbed back into the
natural production system.
-- David Korten
"I used to think of the environment as trees and
blue sky. Then I learned that for some people,
the environment is gangs and concrete. All the
issues that we face are connected. Worldwide,
ecosystems are being destroyed, and indigenous
peoples are losing their homelands and their entire
way of life. Three out of every five African-Americans
and Latinos in the US lives in a community with
a toxic waste site. As long as pollution is being
produced, it's going to go somewhere, and as long
as there are marginalized communities where land
is cheaper and the people don't have the time
or the money to fight back, polluters will have
a place to deposit toxins. As long as people and
the planet are being exploited, and billions of
dollars are being made precisely because laborers
and the environment are being abused and used
up, there will be children going hungry and ecological
destruction. As long as war and violence are in
our hearts and our streets as well as in our nations,
as long as corporate greed and unsustainable consumption
are at the forefront of our economies, no child
will be born into a truly safe, peaceful or loving
~ Ocean Robbins
diversity is being lost at a rate unequalled since
the appearance of modern ecosystems more than 40
million years ago. A quarter of all mammals are
threatened with extinction and nearly 70% of the
world’s fish stocks are fully exploited, overexploited
or depleted."
-- Royal Society |
species on our planet plays a role in the healthy
functioning of natural ecosystems, on which humans
- William H. Schlesinger |
if we act immediately, the world is doomed to lose
many of its animal and plant species and this inturn
will reduce the ability of ecosystems to deliver
vital services to human populations. The Red List
gives all of us a practical tool for raising awareness
of the biodiversity crisis and for forging new partnerships
within the international community.
-- Achim Steiner, IUCN Director General |
progress achieved in addressing the goals of poverty
and hunger eradication, improved health, and environmental
protection is unlikely to be sustained if most of
the ecosystem services on which humanity relies
continues to be degraded.
-- UN Millennium Ecosystem Assessment |
halt the decline of an ecosystem, it is necessary
to think like an ecosystem."
~ Douglas P. Wheeler