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"I want to live in a world where people
become famous because of their work for peace
and justice and care. I want the famous to be
inspiring; their lives an example of what every
human being has it in them to do — act from
-- Patch

is the thirst of youth. -- Lord Byron
work just for money. Money alone won't save your
soul or build a decent family life or help you
sleep at night. We're the richest nation on Earth,
with the highest number of imprisoned people in
the world. Our drug addictions and child poverty
are among the highest in the industrialized world.
So don't ever confuse wealth or fame with character.
-- Marian
Wright Edelman
is strange to be known so universally and yet
to be so lonely.
-- Albert Einstein
are the unusual individuals, the daring pioneers,
who will devote their lives to making a better
history for humanity? In order to create a new
history for mankind, human beings will first have
to create a new history within themselves. They
will have to liberate themselves from national,
religious, racial, and class prejudices and from
enslavement to honor, fame, and pleasure...
-- Frederick Kettner
handle fame by not being famous...I'm not famous
to me.
-- Bob Marley
stirs up envy, fame does.
People feel fame gives them some kind of privilege to
walk up to you and say anything to you
- and it won't hurt your feelings - like it's happening
to your clothing.
-- Marilyn Monroe
fame, you know, you can read about yourself, somebody
else's ideas about you,
but what's important is how you feel about yourself
- for survival and living day to day with what comes
Marilyn Monroe
don't think I realized that the cost of fame
is that it's open season on every moment of
your life.
-- Julia Roberts

you come to fame not understanding who you are,
it will define who you are.
Oprah Winfrey