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though mother's issues are not front page news,
they touch us all personally, some more than others,
and I believe passionately in the power of grassroots
-- Joan Blades
Grassroots groups challenge the "business-as-usual"
environmentalism that is generally practiced by
the more privileged wildlife-and conservation-oriented
groups. The focus of activists of color and their
constituents reflects their life experiences of
social, economic, and political disenfranchisement.
-- Robert Bullard
enormous progressive activism and, more often
than not, success at the grassroots level - everything
from living wage campaigns to efforts to finance
our elections are having terrific success.
-- Jim Hightower

Sister Fund supports spiritual women and their
organizations, both grassroots activists for justice,
and national and international social change agents.
-- Helen LaKelly
was truly an astonishing grassroots explosion,
... The objective was to get a nationwide demonstration
of concern for the environment so large that it
would shake the political establishment out of
its lethargy.
~ Gaylord Nelson
Better World Movement does not belong to any one
group or organization. All you have to do is decide
to make 'a better world' your goal.Then reach
out to and find others to start a BetterWorld
Club. BetterWorld Clubs is a free grassroots
network. When you start a club locally, you connect
to a global community. --
Robert Alan Silverstein
environmental movement is one of the most successful
social change movements. Popularizing Earth Day
celebrations can be credited with bringing the
movement to the mainstream. Through grassroots
efforts, festivals, fairs, assemblies and concerts
have helped popularize concern for our environment
in the public's mind. Since so many people participate
in Earth Day activities, Earth Day is the perfect
opportunity to get people to tap-into the better
world movement, so that they can find the inspiration
and encouragement to continue activities for a
more peaceful, just and sustainable world all
year long. -- Robert
Alan Silverstein
are three critical ingredients to democratic renewal
and progressive change in America: good public
policy, grassroots organizing and electoral politics.”
-- Paul Wellstone
are intent on building a movement. The next step
is grassroots town meetings. We must keep alive
the dialogue around the covenants.
-- Cornel West