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hero is one who kindles a great light in the world,
who sets up blazing torches in the dark streets
of life for men to see by. The saint is the man
who walks through the dark paths of the world,
himself a light.
-- Felix Adler
important it is for us to recognize and celebrate
our heroes and she-roes!
-- Maya Angelou
of the soul shines out when a man bears with composure
one heavy mischance after another, not because he
does not feel them, but because he is a man of high
and heroic temper
-- Aristotle
shouldn't be looking for heroes, we should be
looking for good ideas.
-- Noam Chomsky

is achievable without public recognition, and the
world has many unsung heroes. The teacher who inspires
you to pursue your education to your ultimate ability
is a success. The parents who taught you the noblest
human principles are a success. The coach who shows
you the importance of teamwork is a success. The
spiritual leader who instills in you spiritual values
and faith is a success. The relatives, friends,
and neighbors with whom you develop a reciprocal
relationship of respect and support--they, too,
are successes. The most menial workers can properly
consider themselves successful if they perform their
best and if the product of their work is of service
to humanity.--Michael DeBakey, M.D. |
A hero is someone who understands the responsibility
that comes with his freedom.
-- Bob Dylan
characteristic of genuine heroism is its persistency.
All men have wandering impulses, fits and starts
of generosity. But when you have resolved to be
great, abide by yourself, and do not weakly try
to reconcile yourself with the world. The heroic
cannot be the common, nor the common the heroic.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he
is brave five minutes longer. ~ Ralph
Waldo Emerson
youth, intoxicated with his admiration of a hero,
fails to see, that it is only a projection of
his own soul, which he admires” ~ Ralph
Waldo Emerson
you're an underdog, mentally disabled, physically
disabled, if you don't fit in, if you're not as
pretty as the others, you can still be a hero.
-- Steve Guttenberg
admiration is so given to dead martyrs that we
have little time for living heroes.
-- Elbert Green Hubbard
world is moved not only by the mighty shoves of
the heroes, but also by the aggregate of the tiny
pushes of each honest worker.
-- Helen Keller
greatest heroes are those who do their duty in
the daily grind of domestic affairs whilst the
world whirls as a maddening dreidel.
-- Florence
think a hero is an ordinary individual who finds
the strength to persevere and endure in spite
of overwhelming obstacles. They are the real heroes,
and so are the families and friends who have stood
by them.
-- Christopher
the first Superman movie came out I was frequently
asked "What is a hero?" …My answer was that a
hero is someone who commits a courageous action
without considering the consequences… Now my definition
is completely different. I think a hero is an
ordinary individual who finds strength to persevere
and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.
-- Christopher
Courage is more exhilarating than fear and in
the long run it is easier. We do not have to
become heroes over night. Just a step at a time,
meeting each thing that comes up, seeing it
is not as dreadful as it appeared, discovering
we have the strength to stare it down.
-- Eleanor

is a hero? He who turns his enemy into a friend.
--The Talmud

are not giant statues framed against a red sky.
They are people who say: This is my community,
and it is my responsibility to make it better.
Interweave all these communities and you really
have an America that is back on its feet again.
I really think we are gonna have to reassess what
constitutes a 'hero'."
-- Studs Terkel
want to praise activists through the years. I
praise those of the past as well, to have them
-- Studs Terkel
To be a hero or a heroine, one must give an order
to oneself.
-- Simone Weil