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consists not in possessing honors, but in the consciousness
that we deserve them.
-- Aristotle
(384-322 BC) |
nature is worth more than knowledge, more than money,
more than honor..."
-- Henry Ward Beecher |

well-being and the hopes of the peoples of the world
can never be served until peace - as well as freedom,
honor and self-respect - is secure.
-- Ralph J. Bunche
intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational
mind is a faithful servant. We have created a
society that honors the servant and has forgotten
the gift.
-- Albert Einstein

with mutual honor and confidence, is a continuing
imperative. Together we must learn how to compose
differences, not with arms, but with intellect
and decent purpose." -- Dwight
D. Eisenhower
purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be
useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate,
to have it make some difference that you have
lived and lived well."
-- Ralph
Waldo Emerson
of trying to be responsible for all the problems
in the world, we should take on what we love and
care about. Then we honor both our inner world
and the outer world at the same time. There’s
no separation between the two, and there is no
hesitation, no self-doubt. This will help us develop
great faith that others are taking care of their
piece. People who don’t know the details about
climate change may care deeply about the forests,
the animals, and the children. It is very important
that we share, not only our merit, but also the
responsibilities. Somehow we have to relieve ourselves
of the enormity, which is so debilitating.
~ Paul Hawken
is not our purpose to become each other; it is to recognize
each other,
to learn to see the other and honor him for what he
-- Hermann Hesse
"To me, love, spirituality and life are all the
same thing. To me they're all about honoring the
circle, and they're just different ways of defining
the same understanding. Our society as a whole,
because we have placed our love for money above
our love for life, has devalued the sacred and
devalued love."
-- Julia Butterfly
I pledge to protect the earth
And respect the Web of Life upon it
And to honor the dignity of every member of our
global family
One planet, one people, one world in harmony
With peace, justice and freedom for all.
-- John Ince
looked on child rearing not only as a work of love and
duty but as a profession that was fully as interesting
and challenging as any honorable profession in the world
and one that demanded the best I could bring to it."
-- Rose Kennedy
are the unusual individuals, the daring pioneers,
who will devote their lives to making a better
history for humanity? In order to create a new
history for mankind, human beings will first have
to create a new history within themselves. They
will have to liberate themselves from national,
religious, racial, and class prejudices and from
enslavement to honor, fame, and pleasure...
-- Frederick Kettner
must remain hopeful that for our children and
our children’s children, that we are not a warring
nation, but we will embrace and practice true
compassion and honor the ideals of peace and freedom,
and we will not give up.
-- Jessica Lange
is no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to
destroy. There is nothing good in war. Except
its ending.
-- Abraham Lincoln
festival of martial glory or warrior's renown is this;
no pageant pomp of war-like conquest, no glory of fratricidal
strife attend this day. It is dedicated to peace, civilization
and the triumphs of industry. It is a demonstration
of fraternity and the harbinger of a better age--a more
chivalrous time, when labor shall be best honored and
well rewarded.
-- Peter J. McGuire, Father of Labor Day
all the people in the world love one another, then the
strong will not overpower the weak, the many will not
oppress the few, the wealthy will not mock the poor,
the honored will not disdain the humble, and the cunning
will not deceive the simple.
-- Motsi (463-401 BC)
all the rocks upon which we build our lives, we
are reminded today that family is the most important.
we are called to recognize and honor how critical
every father is to that foundation. They are teachers
and coaches. They are mentors and role models.
They are examples of success and the men who constantly
push us toward it. But if we are honest with ourselves,
we'll admit that what too many fathers also are
is missing – missing from too many lives and too
many homes. They have abandoned their responsibilities,
acting like boys instead of men. And the foundations
of our families are weaker because of it.
-- Barack Obama
"I want my child to walk in a world guided
by love. This means that everybody will have a
job, or the resources to take care of basic needs.
A world where families are not oppressed and are
connected to their neighbors and their communities,
where the best in humanity is honored. That's
when we will truly be at peace."
-- Malika Sanders

"I would like the church to be a place where the
questions of people are honored rather than a
place where we have all the answers. The church
has to get out of propaganda. The future will
involve us in more interfaith dialogue. ... We
cannot say we have the only truth."
-- Bishop John Shelby
crushes with bloody heel all justice, all happiness,
all that is Godlike in man.
In our age there can be no peace that is not honorable;
there can be no war that is not dishonorable.
-- Charles Sumner

want to praise activists through the years. I
praise those of the past as well, to have them
-- Studs Terkel
"I honor the path each person is on. I believe
that all of our prayer paths lead to the Great
Mystery, or Spirit, or God."
-- Mary Thunder