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We were idealists. We thought that when we got
the vote the whole pattern of politics would
be greatly improved and would be dominated by
-- Jessie Daniel

Idealist, our goal has always been to help people
turn their good intentions into action"
-- Ami Dar (
is born a predestined idealist, for he is born to act.
To act is to affirm the worth of an end,
and to persist in affirming the worth of an end is to
make an ideal.”
-- Oliver Wendell Holmes
connects people, organizations, and resources
to help build a world where all people can live free
and dignified lives.
believe that hope for the future depends on each
of us taking nonviolence into our hearts and minds
and developing new and imaginative structures
which are nonviolent and life-giving for all.
Some people will argue that this is too idealistic.
I believe it is very realistic. I am convinced
that humanity is fast evolving to this higher
consciousness. For those who say it cannot be
done, let us remember that humanity learned to
abolish slavery. Our task now is no less than
the abolition of violence and war .... We can
rejoice and celebrate today because we are living
in a miraculous time. Everything is changing and
everything is possible.
-- Mairead Corrigan
have to be an optimist and say that it might get
better. I am a mixture of idealist and realist."
-- Sir Roger Moore |

"Sometimes older folks tell me: 'I was idealistic
and thought I could change the world once, too,
but then I grew up.' I'm trying to help us change
our definition of growing up, so that it ceases
to mean giving up on our ideals, and comes to
mean learning how to live our dreams, every day,
on the Earth. I want to awaken the passion and
creativity of youth, combine it with the wisdom,
experience and insight of elders, and transform
our world."
~ Ocean Robbins
The idealists dream and the dream is told, and the
practical men listen and ponder and bring back the
truth and apply it to human life, and progress and
growth and higher human ideals come into being and
so the world moves ever on.
-- Anna Howard Shaw

idealist who tries to join the Peace Corps
must realize he is not going to change the world
~ Sargent Shriver
developed world has a vast, under-utilized asset that
is not being leveraged to its best advantage: idealistic
people who want to make the world a better place. For
most of a century, idealistic people have been encouraged
to use anger, protest, lobbying, and legal action in
order to make the world a better place. While most certainly
some of these behaviors and activities were necessary,
we have reached the point at which the social benefit
of such behaviors is decreasing. We have reached the
point at which creation, rather than attack, ought to
be the first obligation of reformers. The social entrepreneurship
movement is the first tip of this iceberg. We want to
create a world in which all idealists realize that the
creation of new enterprises is the most powerful way
to make positive change in the world. If all the energy
that is currently invested in zero-sum political conflict
was gradually transferred to the committed creation
of sustainable enterprises, the cumulative impact on
behalf of the good would be extraordinary.
-- Michael Strong

think it's realistic to have hope. One can be
a perverse idealist and say the easiest thing:
'I despair. The world's no good.' That's a perverse
idealist. It's practical to hope, because the
hope is for us to survive as a human species.
That's very realistic.
-- Studs Terkel