is tenderness. Kindness is love, but perhaps greater than love...Kindness is good
will. Kindness says, "I want you to be happy.
-- Randolph Ray
end result of kindness is that it draws people to you. -- Anita
Roddick |

| *
kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people.
A nation does not have to be cruel in order to be tough. -- Franklin
Delano Roosevelt
quest for a war-free world has a basic purpose: survival. But if in the process
we learn how to achieve it by love rather than by fear, by kindness rather than
by compulsion; if in the process we learn to combine the essential with the enjoyable,
the expedient with the benevolent, the practical with the beautiful, this will
be an extra incentive to embark on this great task. -- Joseph
Rotblat |
What wisdom
can you find that is greater than kindness?
-- Jean Jacques Rousseau
"Kindness is
more important than wisdom, and the recognition of this is the beginning of wisdom."
-- Theodore Isaac Rubin
good life, as I conceive it, is a happy life. I do not mean that if you are good
you will be happy; I mean that if you are happy you will be good. -- Bertrand
Russell |
you start to develop your powers of empathy and imagination, the whole world opens
up to you." -- Susan
Sarandon |
is the basis of all morality”
-- Arthur Schopenhauer
man can do only what a man can do. But
if he does that each day he can sleep
at night and do it again the next day."
-- Albert
kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding,
mistrust, and hostility to evaporate. -- Albert
Schweitzer "Humanitarianism
consists in never sacrificing a human being to a purpose." -- Albert
Schweitzer |  |
At times our own
light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has
cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within
-- Albert
in which all ethics must take root, can only attain its full breadth and depth
if it embraces all living creatures and does not limit itself to mankind. Albert
-- Albert
do it because I want to exercise people's compassion and I do it because I really
believe that for some reason what I do is important and meaningful. -- Kyra
Sedgwick |

Wherever there is
a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness.
-- Seneca
who love not their fellow-beings live unfruitful
lives, and prepare for their old age a miserable
-- Percy Bysshe Shelley
we are creating a more peaceful, just
and sustainable world through kindness.
-- Robert
Alan Silverstein
just a smile on your face
Can help to make this world a better place.
Stand up for the things that are right.
Try to talk things out instead of fight.
Lend a hand when you can, get involved
this is good.
You can help to make a difference in your
-- Robert
Alan Silverstein
flower of kindness will grow. Maybe not now,
but it will some day.
And in kind that kindness will flow, for kindness
grows in this way."
-- Robert Alan Silverstein
good deed you do today, for a brother or sister
in need
Will come back to you some day, for humanity's
a circle in deed."
-- Robert Alan Silverstein
is short. Time is fleeting. Realize the Self.
Purity of the heart is the gateway to God. Aspire.
Renounce. Meditate. Be good; do good. Be kind;
be compassionate. Inquire, know Thyself.”
-- Swami Sivananda
have not lived a perfect day...unless you have done something for someone who
will never be able to repay you."
-- Ruth Smeltzer
"One who knows
how to show and to accept kindness will be a friend better than any possession."
-- Sophocles, 409 BC
gives birth to kindness."
-- Sophocles.
it is that brings forth kindness always."
-- Sophocles (447 BC)
is an inner desire that makes us want to do good things even if we do not get
anything in return. It is the joy of our life to do them. When we do good things
from this inner desire, there is kindness in everything we think, say, want and
-- Emmanuel Swedenborg
can accomplish by kindness what you cannot do by force."
-- Publilius Syrus
(1st century BC)