every child should be given the best possible opportunity
to acquire literacy skills.
-- Hugh Mackay
Parents should be encouraged to read to their children,
and teachers should be equipped with all available techniques
for teaching literacy, so the varying needs and capacities
of individual kids can be taken into account.
-- Hugh Mackay
Universal literacy was a 20th-century goal. Before then,
reading and writing were skills largely confined to
a small, highly educated class of professional people.
-- Hugh Mackay
is the most powerful weapon which you can use
to change the world.
-- Nelson Mandela

don't think anybody anywhere can talk about the
future of their people or of an organization without
talking about education. Whoever controls the
education of our children controls our future.”
-- Wilma Mankiller


an empowerment right, education is the primary vehicle
by which economically and socially marginalised
adults and children can lift themselves out of poverty,
and obtain the means to participate fully in their
-- Koïchiro Matsuura,
UNESCO Director-General
Literacy Day is an occasion to celebrate the importance
of literacy to individuals, communities and societies
-- Koïchiro Matsuura,
UNESCO Director-General
It is intolerable that around 1 in 5 of the world's
adults are illiterate. How can we build equitable information
societies or thriving democracies if so many remain
without the basic tools of literacy?
-- Koïchiro Matsuura,
UNESCO Director-General
it is inconceivable that poverty eradication can make
much headway in the absence of major advances in literacy.
-- Koïchiro Matsuura,
UNESCO Director-General
Achieving the right to basic education for all is thus
one of the biggest moral challenges of our times.
-- Koïchiro Matsuura,
UNESCO Director-General
A literate world is a possible and desirable one. There
are enough resources. What is now needed is the collective
will of the international community to ensure that the
necessary support is forthcoming.
-- Koïchiro Matsuura,
UNESCO Director-General

not only have to learn what their parents learned
in school, but also have to learn how to learn.
This has to be recognized as a new problem which
is only partly solved."
~ Margaret Mead
(1901-1978) US anthropologist, author, environmentalist.
is compassion not part of our established curriculum,
an inherent part of our education? Compassion,
awe, wonder, curiosity, exaltation, humility -
these are the very foundation of any real civilisation,
no longer the prerogatives, the preserves of any
one church, but belonging to everyone, every child
in every school."
-- Yehudi Menuhin
is not, as it is considered in our schools, a PORTION
of education. It IS education. It is at once the ability
AND the inclination of the mind to find knowledge, to
pursue understanding, and out of knowledge and understanding,
not out of received attitudes and values or emotional
responses, however worthy, to make judgments."
-- Richard Mitchell
test of the correctness of educational procedure
is the happiness of the child.”
– Maria Montessori
lasting peace is the work of education; all politics
can do is keep us out of war.”
– Maria Montessori
love, generosity, good manners and some of that
will drift from the classroom to the home and
who knows, the children will be educating the
parents. Lets face it; the children who do that
are the hope of tomorrow."
-- Sir Roger
Over the next two years UNICEF will focus on improving
access to and the quality of education to provide
children who have dropped out of school or who
work during school hours the opportunity to gain
a formal education!
-- Sir Roger

have an obligation and a responsibility to be
investing in our students and our schools. We
must make sure that people who have the grades,
the desire and the will, but not the money, can
still get the best education possible.
-- Barack Obama
principle goal of education is to create men who are
capable of doing new things, not simply of repeating
what other generations have done - men who are creative,
inventive and discoverers"
-- Jean Piaget (Swiss Psychologist and pioneer in the
study of child intelligence, 1896-1980)
Thinking about how the world might be and envisioning
a society characterized by justice are the essence
of conceptualizing the conditions that comprise
positive peace. If we are to educate for peace,
both teachers and students need to have some notion
of the transformed world we are educating for.
-- Betty Reardon
we doing enough to help our children create a
more peaceful world?
-- Debbie Robins
is truly more important, how our children do on
standardized tests or what kind of human beings
they are and will become? I believe it is our obligation,
as mothers, to get peace into our classrooms so
our children can study, learn and practice peace.
Then, and only then, can we rest assured they will
fulfill their divine destinies as peacemakers and
the world will become a more peaceful place.
-- Debbie Robins
children are viscerally aware of the heightened violence
on this planet. It has permeated every aspect of their
lives. They are hungry to make a difference, desperate
to affect their reality in a positive way, but they
are unsure of how to do it.
-- Debbie Robins
is the solution? To make peace a class, in every school,
at every grade level, in classrooms all over the world
so our children can learn the 'art' of getting along,
which isn't easy, reflected by the current state of
the world
-- Debbie Robins
respect and patience are acquired skills, they are learned
attributes, practiced choices, and until our children
begin to study, learn and practice peace, I believe
this is as good as it gets.
-- Debbie Robins
is because modern education is so seldom inspired
by a great hope that it so seldom achieves great
results. The wish to preserve the past rather
than the hope of creating the future dominates
the minds of those who control the teaching
of the young. "
-- Bertrand
important than the curriculum is the question
of the methods of teaching and the spirit in
which the teaching is given”
-- Bertrand
is critical for people to become compassionate.
If you don't know the problem and you don't know
the reality, how can you help?
-- Marla Ruzicka
& Education Quotes