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nuclear arms race is like two people sitting in a pool of gasoline spending all
their time making matches." -- John
Denver |
must unite to make nuclear weapons a horror of the past." --
Michael Douglas I
have met with political leaders, legislators, and diplomats, seeking the next
steps to press in reducing and eliminating the nuclear threat in this century.
I have participated in public coalitions developing programmes for action to combat
the global rash of small arms. All are trying and making a difference. --
Michael Douglas
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beings should only use technology which if the worst case happens, it leads to
an acceptable damage. Definitely nuclear energy is not in that category. I want
an industrial world where people are allowed to make errors. Because human creativity
has to do with being allowed to make errors. We want an error-friendly environment."
-- Hans-Peter Dürr |
I do not know with what weapons World War 3 will be fought, but World War 4 will
be fought with sticks and stones. -- Albert
Einstein *
Since I do not forsee that atomic energy is to be a great boon for a long time,
I have to say that for the present it is a menace. Perhaps it is well that it
should be. It may intimidate the human race into bringing order into its international
affairs, which, without the presence of fear, it would not do. -- Albert
Einstein |  |
Through the release
of atomic energy, our generation has brought into the world the most revolutionary
force since prehistoric man's discovery of fire. This basic force of the universe
cannot be fitted into the outmoded concept of narrow nationalisms. For there is
no secret and there is no defense; there is no possibility of control except through
the aroused understanding and insistence of the peoples of the world. We scientists
recognise our inescapable responsibility to carry to our fellow citizens an understanding
of atomic energy and its implication for society. In this lies our only security
and our only hope - we believe that an informed citizenry will act for life and
not for death. -- Albert
 | “[Not
achieving a nuclear test ban] would have to be classed as the greatest disappointment
of any administration of any decade, of any time and of any party.” -- President
Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1961 *
United States strongly seeks a lasting agreement for the discontinuance of nuclear
weapons tests. We believe that this would be an important step toward reduction
of international tensions and would open the way to further agreement on substantial
measures of disarmament. -- President
Dwight D. Eisenhower |
is time for the rest of the world to join ... in demanding that ALL the nuclear
weapons states -including Israel, India and Pakistan, but above all the US and
Russia - negotiate concrete steps on a definite time - table toward the global,
inspected abolition of nuclear weapons. -- Daniel
Ellsberg ”It
is urgent to prevent new U.S. aggression. The time is now for the world to say
‘no’ to U.S. threats of air attack against Iran, and to the very notion of a nuclear
first-use ‘option’ by America or any other nation.” --
Daniel Ellsberg |  |
My activities, for
which I gratefully accept this Award, are today what they have been for over thirty-five
years and will be for the rest of my life: to counter governmental secrecy about
the nuclear arms race that threatens the survival of life on earth; and to help
build a world movement that will prevent a first use since Nagasaki of nuclear
explosions, prevent or end interventions that could lead to such an event, and
bring about a world free of nuclear weapons. --
Daniel Ellsberg

When faced with world problems
– like hunger, overpopulation, nuclear weapons, the arms trade – you may be among
those who are overwhelmed by a feeling of “Help! What on earth can I, just one
person, do about this?” Take heart. That’s a sane response. It’s the basis for
a whole new attitude to world problems, where change at the level of the individual
is more and more recognised as essential to change in huge world systems.
-- Scilla Elworthy
Instead of starting
a new nuclear arms race, now is the time to reclaim our Nation's position of leadership
on nuclear nonproliferation efforts. -- Dianne Feinstein
have been led to believe that we have come a long way toward world nuclear disarmament.
But that is not the case. Our government is not doing all that it could. We must
urge our leaders to fulfill the obligations of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
The United States must assume world leadership to end once and for all the threat
of nuclear war. It is our moral responsibility. ~ Harrison
Ford |  |
is really a moral and ethical question. Should we be moving the already insane
and expensive global arms race into space or should the U.S. be doing everything
it can now, before it is too late, to create international agreements to keep
space for peace?" ~ Bruce
Gagnon | “The
role of the U.S. in the new world corporate order is going to be to export security.
That means endless wars and weapons in space. The Pentagon will send our kids
off to foreign lands to suppress opposition to corporate globalization. How will
we ever end America’s addiction to war and violence as long as our communities
are dependent on military spending for jobs? We must work to convert the military
industrial complex to sustainable technologies like windpower, solar, and mass
transit.” ~ Bruce Gagnon
far as I can see, the atomic bomb has deadened the finest feeling that has sustained
for ages. There used to be so-called laws of war, which made it tolerable. Now
we know the truth. War knows no law except that of might. The atomic bomb brought
an empty victory but it resulted for the time being in destroying the soul of
Japan. What has happened to the soul of the destroying nation is yet too early
to see... ~ Mohandas
Gandhi |
should put away the militaristic outlook. The U.S. should start talking about
disarmament, nuclear disarmament, of the region. ~ Akbar
Ganji |
fact that lately some circles, not less powerful by their small size, have been
actively promoting certain theories, as dangerous as they are illusory, of a "limited",
"winnable" or "protracted" nuclear war, as well as their obsession of "nuclear
superiority", make it advisable to bear always in mind that the immediate goal
of all States, as was expressly declared in the Final Document of the Special
Assembly of 1978, "is that of the elimination of the danger of a nuclear war".
~ Alfonso García Robles
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If disarmament,
as I have taken the liberty to suggest, were in the future to become the decisive
criterion for the evaluation by the Nobel Committee of the activities for peace,
it would constitute, just as the Campaign which I have mentioned, another invaluable
element to convince all nuclear powers, including those which have been more reluctant
up to now, of the necessity to respect the "vital interests" of all peoples and
to become fully aware of the profound truth of the following conclusion which
the United Nations approved by unanimity four years ago: "Mankind is confronted
with a choice: we must halt the arms race and proceed to disarmament or face annihilation".
~ Alfonso García Robles
“It is my view
that there is no sensible military use for nuclear weapons, whether “strategic”
weapons, “tactical” weapons, “theatre” weapons, weapons at sea or weapons in space…”
-- Admiral Noel Gayler, U.S. Navy (ret.)
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a nuclear power plant is in my view, licensing random premeditated murder. First
of all, when you license a plant, you know what you're doing--so it's premeditated.
You can't say, "I didn't know." Second, the evidence on radiation-producing cancer
is beyond doubt. I've worked fifteen years on it [as of 1982], and so have many
others. It is not a question any more: radiation produces cancer, and the evidence
is good all the way down to the lowest doses." -- John
Gofman | "Ionizing
radiation may well be the most important single cause of cancer, birth defects
and genetic disorders... The stakes for human health are very, very high in radiation
matters. It is essential that people take no chance that conflict-of-interest
is producing radiation databases which cannot be trusted." -- John
is my firm belief that the infinite and uncontrollable fury of nuclear weapons
should never be held in the hands of any mere mortal ever again, for any reason.
~ Mikhail Gorbachev
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Nuclear weapons elimination will make all states and their people safer. It is
time to assert our right to live in a nuclear weapons free world. -- Jonathan
Granoff | *
Nuclear weapons have forced us to consider whether we will be the last generation.
They challenge the moral dimension of our humanity. Our technological abilities
must not outstrip our moral insights, rendering us less than fully human. For
in this age, acting without reliance on the gifts of law, morality and wisdom
will be lethal. What right do we have to place all life on the planet at risk
in the service of a human construction, the state, when it is presently legally
required and within our political means to globally eliminate all nuclear weapons?
Nuclear weapons elimination will make all states and their people safer. It is
time to assert our right to live in a nuclear weapons free world. -- Jonathan
Granoff “The
nuclear weapon is obsolete. I want to get rid of them all.” -- General Charles
A. Horner, US Air Force (ret).
For the first time in
the history of mankind, one generation literally has the power to destroy the
past, the present and the future, the power to bring time to an end -- Hubert
Humphrey |
 | We
invite people working for peace to span generations and national boundaries, and
gather together to communicate. Let us firmly join hands and foster an even stronger
network for nuclear abolition and peace. -- Iccho
Itoh *
time has come for those nations that rely on the force of nuclear armaments to
respectfully heed the voices of peace-loving people, not least the atomic bomb
survivors, to strive in good faith for nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation,
and to advance towards the complete abolishment of all such weapons.
-- Iccho Itoh |
Day - August 6
for illustration purposes - no endorsement implied.