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need to know the elemental challenges that sea
and mountains present. They need to know what
it is to be alive and to survive when great storms
come. They need to unlock the secrets of streams,
lakes, and canyons and to find how these treasures
are veritable storehouses of inspiration. They
must experience the sense of mastery of adversity.
They must find a peak or a ridge that they can
reach under their own power alone.
-- Justice
William O. Douglas

interminable forests should become graceful parks,
for use and delight.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
and development of national park and reserve programs
throughout the world are important to the welfare
of the people of every nation. We must have places
where we can find release from the tensions of
an increasingly industrialized civilization, where
we can have personal contact with the natural
environment which sustains us. To this end, permanent
preservation of the outstanding scenic and scientific
assets of every country, and of the magnificent
and varied wildlife which can be so easily endangered
by human activity, is imperative. National parks
and reserves are an integral aspect of intelligent
use of natural resources. It is the course of
wisdom to set aside an ample portion of our national
resources as national parks and reserves, thus
ensuring that future generations may know the
majesty of the earth as we know it today.
-- John
F. Kennedy
of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people
are beginning to find out that going to the mountain
is going home; that wildness is necessity; that
mountain parks and reservations are useful not
only as fountains of timber and irrigating rivers,
but as fountains of life. ~ John
needs beauty as well as bread, places to play
in and pray in, where Nature may heal and cheer
and give strength to body and soul alike.
~ John Muir

is nothing so American as our national parks. The
scenery and wildlife are native. The fundamental
idea behind the parks is native. The parks stand
as the outward symbol of this great human principle.
~ Franklin
D. Roosevelt |
establishment of the National Park Service is justified
by considerations of good administration, of the
value of natural beauty as a National asset, and
of the effectiveness of outdoor life and recreation
in the production of good citizenship."
-- Theodore
Roosevelt |
should not we...have our national
which the bear and panther, and some even of the
hunter race, may still exist, and not be "civilized
off the face of the earth"...for inspiration and
our true re-creation? Or should we, like villians,
grub them all up for poaching on our own national
-- Henry David
National Park Service today exemplifies one of
the highest traditions of public service.
~ Stewart Udall
national parklands have a major role in providing
superlative opportunities for outdoor recreation,
but they have other "people serving" values. They
can provide an experience in conservation education
for the young people of the country; they can
enrich our literary and artistic consciousness;
they can help create social values; contribute
to our civic consciousness; remind us of our debt
to the land of our fathers.
~ Stewart Udall