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Literacy unlocks the door to learning throughout
life, is essential to development and health,
and opens the way for democratic participation
and active citizenship."
~ Kofi Annan
people should be at the forefront of global change
and innovation. Empowered, they can be key agents
for development and peace. If, however, they are
left on society's margins, all of us will be impoverished.
Let us ensure that all young people have every
opportunity to participate fully in the lives
of their societies."
Kofi Annan
is needed now are increased efforts to promote
youth participation and commitment; more services
aimed at youth; more parental involvement; more
education and information, using schools and
other sites; more protection for girls, orphaned
children and young women;and more partnerships
with people with HIV and AIDS.“ -- Carol
a world that is truly fit for children does
not imply simply the absence of war. It means
having the confidence that our children would
not die of measles or malaria. It means having
access to clean water and proper sanitation.
It means having primary schools nearby that
educate children, free of charge. It means changing
the world with children, ensuring their right
to participate, and that their views are heard
and considered. It means building a world fit
for children, where every child can grow to
adulthood in health, peace and dignity."
-- Carol

Democracy is not just a question of
having a vote. It consists of strengthening each
citizen’s possibility and capacity to participate
in the deliberations involved in life in society.
-- Fernando Cardoso
… we believe in the vocation of communion and participation
of our people, who day to day awaken to their political
conscience and express their desire for change and
profound democratization of society. A change based
on justice, built with love, and which will bring
us the most anxiously desired fruits of peace.
-- Adolfo Perez
Esquivel |

either functions as an instrument which is used
to facilitate integration of the younger generation
into the logic of the present system and bring
about conformity or it becomes the practice of
freedom, the means by which men and women deal
critically and creatively with reality and discover
how to participate in the transformation of their
-- Paulo Freire
we live our lives with the authenticity demanded
by the practice of teaching that is also learning
and learning that is also teaching, we are participating
in a total experience…. In this experience the
beautiful, the decent, and the serious form a
circle with hands joined.
-- Paulo Freire
Promoting active liberty does not mean allowing
the majority to run roughshod over minorities. It
calls for taking special care that all groups have
a chance to fully participate in society and the
political process.
-- Ruth Bader Ginsburg |
is not something you believe in or a place to hang your
hat, but it's something you do.
You participate. If you stop doing it, democracy crumbles.
-- Abbie Hoffman
am firmly convinced that in the world of today
all nations will be forced to the conclusion that
cooperation for law, justice, and peace is the
only alternative to a constant race in armaments--including
atomic armaments--and to other disruptive practices
that will bring the nations participating in them
on either side to a common ruin, the equivalent
of universal suicide.
-- Cordell Hull
"Full democracy requires
the full participation of women. Your voices are
vital. The word 'vital' means necessary for life.
A democracy, to be fully alive, must include all
its citizens."
-- Swanee Hunt

that's of common interest to every man, woman and
child on the planet must surely be the notion of
'Peace'. Without 'Peace' we cannot survive. Valentine's
Day is on the 14 February. Christmas Day is on the
25 December. Peace Day has been established by the
United Nations on the 21 September, and the whole
world is invited to participate.
Annie Lennox |
The right of an individual to refuse to kill,
to torture, or to participate in the preparation
for the nuclear destruction of humanity seems
to me to be fundamental.
-- Sean MacBride
more we increase the active participation and partnership
with young people, the better we serve them. … And the
more comprehensively we work with them as service partners,
the more we increase our public value to the entire
-- Carmen Martinez

an empowerment right, education is the primary vehicle
by which economically and socially marginalised
adults and children can lift themselves out of poverty,
and obtain the means to participate fully in their
-- Koïchiro Matsuura,
UNESCO Director-General |
matter how hostile the environment in which we
are working is, we must never cease to insist
that development is about people and not about
objects. That the aim of development must be neither
producerism not consumerism, but the satisfaction
of fundamental human needs, which are not only
needs of humanity, but needs of being as well.
We will never deny that subsistence is a fundamental
human need which must be satisfied through adequate
income, nutrition, housing and work for all. But
we will also insist that protection, affection,
understanding, participation, leisure, creation,
identity and freedom are extremely fundamental
human needs as well. -- Manfred
want to govern with our indigenous ancestors'
models: That means a different concept of participation,
community work and honesty...
-- Evo Morales
should be more participative than directive, more enabling
than performing.
-- Mary D. Poole
Greek word for idiot, literally translated, means one
who does not participate in politics.
That sums up my conviction on the subject."
Gladys Pyle
we acknowledge that all of life is sacred and that each
act is an act of choice and therefore sacred, then life
is a sacred dance lived consciously each moment. When
we live at this level, we participate in the creation
of a better world."
-- Scout Cloud Lee
participation in government and society has been a basic
right of the country
symbolizing the full citizenship and equal protection
of all.
-- Charles Rangel
the lack of substantive freedoms relates directly
to economic poverty, which robs people of the
freedom to satisfy hunger; or to achieve sufficient
nutrition, or to obtain remedies for treatable
illnesses or the opportunity to be adequatley
clothed or sheltered, or to enjoy clean water
or sanitary facilities. In other cases, the unfreedom
links closely to the lack of public facilities
and social care, such as the absence of epidemiological
programs, or of organized arrangements for the
health care or educational facilities, or of effective
insititutions for the maintenance of local peace
and order. In still other cases, the violation
of freedom results directly from a denial of political
and civil liberties by authoritarian regimes and
from imposed restrictions on the freedom to participate
in the social, political and economic life of
the community. -- Amartya
environmental movement is one of the most successful
social change movements. Popularizing Earth Day
celebrations can be credited with bringing the
movement to the mainstream. Through grassroots
efforts, festivals, fairs, assemblies and concerts
have helped popularize concern for our environment
in the public's mind. Since so many people participate
in Earth Day activities, Earth Day is the perfect
opportunity to get people to tap-into the better
world movement, so that they can find the inspiration
and encouragement to continue activities for a
more peaceful, just and sustainable world all
year long.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein
of the UN is a worthwhile thing in its own self
because it means that every country belongs, feels
it has a stake, and participates, rather than
going away and finding other methods of conducting
international relations.
-- Shashi Tharoor
forgiveness is participation, reunion overcoming the
powers of estrangement. . .
We cannot love unless we have accepted forgiveness,
and the deeper our experience of forgiveness is, the
greater is our love.
-- Paul Tillich
secret message communicated to most young people today
by the society around them is that they are not needed,
that the society will run itself quite nicely until
they - at some distant point in the future - will take
over the reigns. Yet the fact is that the society is
not running itself nicely... because the rest of us
need all the energy, brains, imagination and
talent that young people can bring to bear down on our
difficulties. For society to attempt to solve its desperate
problems without the full participation of even very
young people is imbecile."
-- Alvin Toffler
is multidimensional. It extends beyond money incomes
to education, health care, political participation
and advancement of one's own culture and social
-- Atal Bihari
more than belong: participate. Do more than care:
help. Do more than believe: practice. Do more than
be fair: be kind. Do more than forgive: forget.
Do more than dream: work.”
-- William Arthur Ward |
too many Americans don't vote or participate,
some see apathy and despair. I see disappointment
and even outrage. And I believe that out of this
frustration can come hope and action.
-- Paul Wellstone
feel like we are at a time of great creativity
if we choose to embrace it as such, if we choose
to engage the will of our imaginations and imagine
another way of being in the world. Democracy requires
our participation. The land trust movement in
this country is a beautiful example of how we
can find hope within our own communities because
it bypasses government and creates a diverse and
truly bipartisan conversation on behalf of the
land. We dare to define community to include all
life—rocks, rivers, plants, and animals, alongside
human beings. Whether it is the Castle Rock Collaboration
in the red rock desert of southern Utah or the
Blue Hill Heritage Trust in coastal Maine, these
small groups made up of neighbors and friends
from all walks of life are having an extraordinary
influence on our creation of an ethic of place.
I believe radical change occurs through the care
of our relationships. ~ Terry
Tempest Williams