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do not want the peace which passeth understanding. I
want the understanding which bringeth peace.
-- Helen Keller |
have the nations of the world had so much to lose,
or so much to gain. Together we shall save our planet,
or together we shall perish in its flames.
--John F. Kennedy
is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually
changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly
building new structures."
--John F. Kennedy

must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind...War
will exist until that distant day when the conscientious
objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the
warrior does today.
--John F. Kennedy
mere absence of war is not peace."
--John F. Kennedy
world does not need a war against ‘terrorism’, it
needs a culture of peace based on human rights for
-- Irene Khan
is a culture that we create by putting it in the
curriculum for young people, through creating this
next generation where young people get a chance
to go across borders, across cultures, to learn
more about each other's life, to create a global
community, learn about opportunities for helping
others. It's investing in peace and tolerance training,
ending the gap between rich and poor."
-- Craig Kielburger
we are to achieve true peace in this world, it shall
have to begin with the children."
-- Craig Kielburger

have an historic opportunity for a great global healing
and renewal. If we will accept the challenge of nonviolent
activism with faith, courage, and determination, we
can bring this great vision of a world united in peace
and harmony from a distant ideal into glowing reality."
-- Coretta Scott
we must fix our vision not merely on the negative
expulsion of war, but upon the positive affirmation
of peace.
-- Martin Luther
King, Jr.
"Many men cry Peace! Peace! but they refuse to do
the things that make for peace."
-- Martin Luther
King, Jr.
is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means
by which we arrive at that goal.
-- Martin Luther
King, Jr.
we must transform the dynamics of the world power struggle
from the negative nuclear arms race which no one can win
to a positive contest to harness man's creative genius for
the purpose of making peace and prosperity a reality for
all of the nations of the world.
-- Martin Luther King,
must shift the arms race into a 'peace race'.
-- Martin Luther King,
of the most persistent ambiguities that we face is that
everybody talks about peace as a goal. However, it does
not take sharpest-eyed sophistication to discern that while
everbody talks about peace, peace has become practically
nobody's business among the power-wielders. Many men cry
Peace! Peace! but they refuse to do the things that make
for peace."
-- Martin Luther King,
"It is not enough to say 'We must not wage war.' It is necessary
to love peace and sacrifice for it … We must see that peace
represents a sweeter music, a cosmic melody that is far
superior to the discord of war."
-- Martin Luther King,
still have a choice today: nonviolence coesistence or violent
-- Martin Luther King,
I am about is a more peaceful, harmonious, and just planet.
-- Brian Klemmer
simply is not a matter of calm looking on; it is work,
hard work.
-- Kathe Kollwitz
is a civil right which makes other human rights possible.
Peace is a precondition for our existence. Peace permits
our continued existence."
is not just the absence of war, it is the active presence
of a capacity for love and compassion, and reciprocity.
It is an awareness that our lives are not to be lived
simply for ourselves through expressing our individuality,
but we confirm the purpose of our lives through the
work of expressing our shared sense of community in
a purposeful and practical way; to sustain our own
lives we sustain the lives of others - in family,
in a community of neighborhoods called a city, and
in a community of nations called the world.
-- Dennis Kucinich
is neither the absence of war nor the presence of a disarmament
agreement. Peace is a change of heart.
-- Richard Lamm (b. 1935)
must remain hopeful that for our children and our
children’s children, that we are not a warring nation,
but we will embrace and practice true compassion and
honor the ideals of peace and freedom, and we will
not give up.
-- Jessica Lange
don't believe war is a way to solve problems. I think
it's wrong. I don't have respect for the people that
made the decisions to go on with war.
-- Avril Lavigne |
think the message of peace is for everyone."
-- Jude Law
we are saying is give peace a chance...
-- John Lennon
so this is Xmas for black and for white, for yellow
and red, let's stop all the fight.
-- John Lennon
"Imagine all the people living life in peace.
You may say I'm a dreamer,
but I'm not the only one.
I hope someday you'll join us,
and the world will be as one."
-- John Lennon
you want to get peace, you can get it as soon as you
like if we all pull together. ... Think peace, live
peace, and breathe peace and you'll get it as soon
as you like. -- John
you want to get peace, you can get it as soon as you
like if we all pull together. You're all geniuses
and you're all beautiful. You don't need anybody to
tell you who you are or what you are. You are what
you are. Get out there and get peace. Think peace,
live peace, and breathe peace and you'll get it as
soon as you like. -- John

that's of common interest to every man, woman and child
on the planet must surely be the notion of 'Peace'.
Without 'Peace' we cannot survive. Valentine's Day is
on the 14 February. Christmas Day is on the 25 December.
Peace Day has been established by the United Nations
on the 21 September, and the whole world is invited
to participate.
Annie Lennox |
"With malice toward none, with charity for all, ...let
us strive on to finish the work we are in, do
all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting
peace among ourselves and with all nations."
-- Abraham Lincoln
Peoples have always believed that peace is central
to human security and all life forms that exist in
a community, a nation, Mother Earth and the universe…
-- Hilda Lini
can still alter our course. It is NOT too late. We still
have options. We need the courage to change our values
to the regeneration of our families, the life that surrounds
~ Chief Oren Lyons
for Peace
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for illustration purposes - no endorsement implied.