reduction is, on the face it, perhaps the most appealing
of all the possible approaches to solid-waste management.
-- William Rathje and Cullen Murphy
"What we are living with is the result of human
choices and it can be changed by making better,
wiser choices."
-- Robert Redford

one aluminum can saves enough energy to run your TV
for three hours."
--Reynolds Metal Company
are recycling not only to protect the environment, but
for economic reasons as well. Disposal is simply too
costly and too dangerous. The challenge is to redirect
the flow of raw materials going to landfill into strengthening
our declining local economies. The solution to pollution
is self-reliant cities and counties.
-- Neil Seldman, Institute for Local Self-Reliance,
can help educate our families and communities
about the importance of recycling for our environment,
and how each of us can make a difference for a
better world by recycling.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein
time we stopped turning up our noses at the nation's
garbage dumps and started appreciating them for what
they really are -- the municipal mines, forests, oil
wells and energy sources of the future!
-- Max Spendlove
I only feel angry when I see waste. When I see people
throwing away things we could use.
-- Mother Teresa

understands that in a world of ecological interconnectedness
there is no such things as “away.” We don’t throw things
“away,” we simply put them someplace where they defile
the land, foul the water, pollute the air or change
the earth’s atmosphere.
-- Brian Walsh & Sylvia Keesmaat
spaced earth-sheltered towns offer sweeping views over
the plains. High-speed trains link the communities.
Food is grown in the region. Bikeways are everywhere.
Nonpolluting hydrogen powers all vehicles. Sunlight
and wind generate the hydrogen. Note the earth-covered
bridges, the continuous window bands, the wind machines
across the farmlands. In this new America, everything
is reused, recycled, conserved."
-- Malcolm Wells
can tell how high a society is by how much of its garbage
is recycled."
-- Dhyani Ywahoo