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respect and patience are acquired skills, they
are learned attributes, practiced choices, and
until our children begin to study, learn and practice
peace, I believe this is as good as it gets.
-- Debbie Robins
we allow one group of people to look down upon
another, then we may for a short time bring
hardship on some particular group of people,
but the real hardship and the real wrong is
done to democracy and to our nation as a whole.
We are then breeding people who cannot live
under a democratic form of government but must
be controlled by force. We have but to look
out into the world to see how easy it is to
become stultified, to accept without protest
wrongs done to others, and to shift the burden
of decision and responsibility for any action
onto some vague thing called a government or
some individual called a leader.
-- Eleanor

civilization is to survive, we must cultivate the
science of human relationships - the ability of
all peoples, of all kinds, to live together, in
the same world at peace."
-- Franklin
D.Roosevelt |
fear stimulates herd instinct, and tends to produce
ferocity toward those who are not regarded as
members of the herd.
-- Bertrand
and let live."
-- Scottish proverb
is the oil which takes the friction out of life.
-- Wilbert E. Scheer
best hope for peace in the world lies in the simple
but far-reaching recognition that we all have
many different associations and affiliations,
and we need not see ourselves as being rigidly
divided by a single categorization of hardened
groups, which confront each other.
-- Amartya
value of tolerance is central to living in today's world
- especially in diverse places like the Bronx.
-- Jose Serrano
we are open and we prepare for promoting dialogue
and love, and a better understanding of each other,
and tolerance and so forth, that's what the world
will become, a more tolerant, loving place.
-- Russell
world will become what we envision it to be. And
if we are fearful, and we think we should tense
up and prepare for an ongoing battle, then that's
what we'll have. But if we are open and we prepare
for promoting dialogue and love, and a better
understanding of each other, and tolerance and
so forth, that's what the world will become, a
more tolerant, loving place. So each individual
that stands up is a part of a bigger prayer.
-- Russell
best defense for any group of people is what we
do to defend other people.
-- Russell

accepting attitudes can help children learn to be open
and tolerant. Parents can explain unfamiliar behavior
or physical handicaps and show children that the appropriate
response to differences should be interest rather than
-- Dian G. Smith
test of courage comes when we are in the minority. The
test of tolerance comes when we are in the majority.
-- Ralph W. Sockman
human beings bear God's image and must be respected
for what each person is. Therefore, no external
description of one's being, whether based on
race, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation,
can properly be used as the basis for either
rejection or discrimination.
-- Bishop John
Shelby Spong
the dust settles and the pages of history are
written, it will not be the angry defenders
of intolerance who have made the difference.
The reward will go to those who dared to step
outside the safety of their privacy in order
to expose and rout the prevailing prejudices."
-- Bishop John
Shelby Spong
imagine how boring life would be if we were all
the same. My idea of a perfect world is one in
which we really appreciated each other's differences:
Short, tall; Democrat, Republican; black, white;
gay, straight--a world in which all of us are
equal, but definitely not the same.
-- Barbra
expanding ethnic diversity of this century, a
time when we will all be minorities, offers us
an invitation to create a larger memory of who
we are as Americans and to re-affirm our founding
principle of equality. Let's put aside fears of
the "disuniting of America" and warnings of the
"clash of civilizations." As Langston Hughes sang,
"Let America be America, where equality is in
the air we breathe."
-- Ronald Takaki

have to sit down, have a meal together, pray together
and then actually talk together. Then we realize
that, yes, although we have some differences they
are not impassable differences."
-- Pauline Tangiora

you judge people you have no time to love them."
-- Mother Teresa |
human being, of whatever origin, of whatever station,
deserves respect. We must each respect others
even as we respect ourselves.
~ U Thant
add our voice ... to those who struggle for the
recognition and protection for their rights and
cultures, because to the extent that we respect
our differences, we shall build a life with more
-- Francisco Toledo
neighbor's vision is as true for him as your own vision
is true for you.
-- Miguel de Unamuno
is great enemy of man but bigotry is worse.
-- Swami Vivekananda
is tolerance? It is the consequence of humanity. We
are all formed of frailty and error; let us pardon reciprocally
each other's folly - that is the first law of nature.
-- Voltaire
women have presented an alternative proposal to
society and to humanity. It is about the construction
of a world where tolerance is a life style; Where
daily social and political divergences and its
resolutions would be seen as part of humanity;
Where equality would be possible in all its dimensions;
Where knowledge and access to education and other
social possessions would not be the privilege
of a few; A world where violence in all its forms
would be past history, where fear will not overwhelm
us and where we shall be able to enjoy the goodness
of existence.”
~ Rafaela vos
think we have to own the fears that we have of
each other, and then, in some practical way, some
daily way, figure out how to see people differently
than the way we were brought up to.
~Alice Walker

man has a right in America to treat any other
man "tolerantly" for tolerance is the assumption
of superiority. Our liberties are equal rights
of every citizen.
-- Wendell Wilkie
the centuries, the history of peoples is but a lesson
in mutual tolerance.
-- Emile Zola
For Tolerance
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