News of the "International Day of Peace, September 21" campaign began to spread.

The Kids got emails from people in Costa Rica, Bangladesh, the Philippines, Holland, England, Australia, and even from countries they'd never heard of, like Kiribati. Their new friends agreed to spread the message of the International Day of Peace on September 21 to all the people they knew.

Then letters and phone calls started pouring in. They got messages from famous actresses and singers, business leaders and Nobel Prize winners. They all said they would help spread the word about the International Day of Peace and the Global Ceasefire.

They got letters from Presidents and Prime Ministers who promised their nations would honor the Global Ceasefire and celebrate the day in peace.

Each time they met in CyberSpace for their weekly BetterWorld Kids Club meeting, there was so much to tell each other and the Kids began to really believe that peace on earth might be possible.



Peace Day, September 21
A BetterWorld Kids Adventure

Story © 1996-2012 Steve Diamond & Robert Alan Silverstein
© 1997, 2005 Ginger Nielson

Visit Ginger Nielson's website at

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May Peace Prevail On Earth

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Better World Kids Clubs is a project of The EMILY Fund * The EMILY Fund is not responsible for the actions of local Better World Kids Clubs
Hero portraits are included for illustration purposes only - no celebrity endorsement implied

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Education, Mentorship, Inspiration, Leadership, Youth
- for a Better

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