change is not just another issue. It is the issue that, unchecked, will swamp
all other issues. The only hope lies in all the countries of the world coming
together around a common global project to rewire the world with clean energy.
This is a path to peace --- peace among people, and peace between people and nature."
schools are seedbeds for social change. We look to our high schools and colleges
and universities for new ideas and new directions. So if you can raise awareness
of the climate crisis at your school, that message will echo out through the larger
up and speaking out is the key. It's not enough just to turn down your thermostats,
carpool and change your lightbulbs. The real impact comes from telling lots of
other people -- loudly and clearly why you're doing these things. That way you
-- and all the people you talk to -- will be giving our elected officials the
support and the courage they need to make the really large changes that nature
is telling us to make.
are here to reclaim our future.
I believe -- because energy is so central to our lives -- that a common global
project to rewire the world with clean energy could be the first step on a path
to global peace and global democracy -- even in today's deeply troubled world.
Our planet has
run out of patience. So has our sense of justice. It is time to step it up --
and up -- and up -- until we reach the only goal that really matters: peace among
people and peace between people and nature.