Be a Hero
for a Better World

Every act of compassion makes a difference!

Some believe The Year 2012 will be
The End or a New Beginning...

One Day In Peace tells the story about a global Awakening in 2012 - a chance for a new chapter in the story of Humanity that we will write together.

Prison Reform Quotes

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If we are to have the public conversations essential to taking on serious dilemmas from climate change to criminal justice reform, we need forums for those conversations. The media can facilitate the conversations or shut them down. They can open up or constrain our beliefs about what is possible, what is desirable, who is deserving, and which perspectives are legitimate.
-- Sarah van Gelder

There is much to be done, there is much that can be done… one person of integrity can make a difference, a difference of life and death. As long as one dissident is in prison, our freedom will not be true. As long as one child is hungry, our lives will be filled with anguish and shame. What all these victims need above all is to know that they are not alone; that we are not forgetting them, that when their voices are stifled we shall lend them ours, that while their freedom depends on ours, the quality of our freedom depends on theirs.
-- Elie Wiesel

"Good care is taken that each state shall have its prisons . . . and other asylums; but not one building is erected nor one law enforced that would teach the people how not to contribute to these over-crowded receptacles of human misery . . . . All of our politicians are ready to deal with the effects, but not one of them is brave enough to penetrate the substratum of society and deal with the cause." distributed among the people. . .
-- Victoria Woodhull

"A reform in the system of criminal jurisprudence, by which the death penalty shall no longer be inflicted . . . and by which our so-called prisons shall be virtually transformed into vast reformatory workshops, from which the unfortunate may emerge to be useful members of society, instead of the alienated citizens they now are."
-- Victoria Woodhull

"Chinese and Tibetan dissidents are either locked up in prison, forced into hiding, or silenced by fear of police retaliation against their families. All the happiness about China's economic growth has made many Americans forget that police clubs and guns and the Laogai system keep the Communist Party in power. Moreover, it is still little recognized how American resources help to sustain that power through trade, investments, and the transfer of technology... It is only when the Laogai is abolished in China that real change will come about."
-- Harry Wu

Prison Reform Quotes

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Quotes for a Better World

Abundance | Acceptance | Accomplishments| Accountability| Achievement| Acknowledge | Action| Activism| Activists| Adversity | Advertising | Age | Alienation | AIDS | Anger | Animals | Answers | Approval | Art | Aspiration | Attitude | Attraction | Awe | Be Yourself | Begin Now | Beliefs | Belonging | Better World | Biodiversity | Black History | Breathe| Brotherhood| Causes | Celebrate | Challenge | Change | Character | Charity | Children | Child Soldiers | Choices | Citizenship | Civil Disobedience | Civil Rights | Civilization | Collaboration |Comfort | Comfortable | Community | Compassion| Competition| Compromise| Confidence| Conflict Resolution| Connection | Conscious Evolution | Consciousness | Conscience | Conservation | Consumerism | Cooperation | CoOps | Corporate Personhood | Corporations | Corruption | Couples | Courage| Creativity | Criticism | Culture of Peace | Curiosity | Debt | Democracy| Department of Peace | Depression | Deregulation | Desire| Destiny| Dialogue | Dignity | Disabilities | Disarmament | Disasters| Diversity | Do The Right Thing | Dreams | Ecology | Economy | Ecosystem | Education | Effort| Elders | Empathy| Empower| Encourage | Enemies | Energy | Enthusiasm | Envision | Envy | Equality | Evil | Example| Excellence| Exercise| Expectations| Experience | Fair Trade | Failure | Fame | Family | Fathers | Fear | Focus | Forests | Forgiveness | Freedom | Friendship | Future | Global Awakening | Global Warming | Globalization | Goals | Goodwill | Grassroots | Gratitude | Greed | Habitat | Habits | Happiness | Healing | Health | Heroes | History | Home | Homeless | Honor | Hope | Hugs | Human Rights | Humanitarian | Humanity | Humor | Hunger  | Ideals | Idealist | Imagination | Imagine | Improvement | Inclusion | Indigenous | Individuality | Inner Peace | Inspire | Integrity | Intention| Interconnection | Interdependence | Institutions | Interfaith | Intuition | Invention | Jealousy | Joy | Justice | Kind Word | Kindness | Kinship | Know Thyself | Knowledge | Labor | Landmines | Language | Laughter | Law | Leadership | Liberals | Listening | Literacy | Living | Love | Loneliness| Luck| Make a Difference| Mankind| Marriage| Meaning of Life | Media | Meditation | Memories| Mentoring| Microcredit | Millennium Development Goals | Miracles | Mission | Mistakes | Money | Morality| Mothers| Motivation| Movements| Music| Mystery| Mystical | Natural Resources | Nature | Networking| Nonconformity | No Nukes | Nonviolence | Now | Nurture | Obstacles | Opportunity | Oppression | Options | Organize | Parents | Parks | Participation | Partnership | Patience | Patriotic | Peace | Peace On Earth | Peacekeeping | Peacetopia | Perseverance | Personal Growth | Personhood | Philanthropy | Philosophy | Plan | Politics | Population | Positivity | Possibilities | Potential | Poverty | Power | Praise | Present | Pride | Principles | Priorities | Prison Reform | Protest | Progressive | Prosperity | Public Opinion | Purpose | Question | Racism | Recycling | Redemption | Reinvent | Remembered | Refugees| Resist | Resources | Respect | Responsibility | Revenge | Role Model | Root Causes | Sadness| Satisfaction| Science | Searching| Security| Self-Discovery| Self-Esteem| Self-Improvement| Senior Citizens | Silence| Simplicity | Sisters | Skeptic | Slavery | Smile | Social Entrepreneurs | Social Security | Society | Solace | Solitude | Solutions | Soulmates | Species Exctinction | Spirituality | Status Quo | Strength | Success | Sustainability | Sympathy | Talent | Teachers | Teamwork | Technology | Thanksgiving | Thoughts | Time | Time Out to Refocus| Tolerance | Torture | Trees | Trust| Truth| Understanding | United Nations | Utopia | Values | Vegetarian | Victory | Violence| Volunteer | Waiting | War | Water | Wealth | Wilderness | Wildlife | Will | Willing | Willpower | WIN-WIN | Winning | Wisdom | Wishes | Witness | Women | Wonder | Woods | Work | Worrying | Youth

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